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If you have a book to print, or you need help writing and editing, or you need graphics and photography, or you need digital preparation for printing, we can help. Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc. provides you with professional services to edit, produce and publish your work just as you envision it.

You, the author, retain copyright to your manuscript and take title to your books after printing. You will be able to market and distribue them as you wish without having to share rights or revenue with anyone.

Your book can be listed for sale on the Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc. website as well as with Amazon.com, Bowker's Books In Print, and any other outlets you desire.

Waldenhouse provides an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) - the unique identification system for books. Today all book databases use the ISBN to track books, and almost every item found in a bookstore has one. A bar code with the ISBN, and optionally with the price, can be printed on the back of your book.

If your book qualifies for a Library of Congress control number, Waldenhouse will obtain either a CIP (Cataloguing In Publication) or PCN (Preassigned Card Number) for your book. When the finished books are delivered, you must then provide two copies to Waldenhouse. One will be shelved at the Library Of Congress, and one will be retained in our archives.

That's all there is to it! Let us help you put your words in print.

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