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Secrets of the Forest Volume 4:
The Art of Archery & Other Projectiles and The Blessed Path of Water
Author Mark Warren
ISBN 978-1-935186-97-7
Publisher Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc.
Description 8.5" x 11" x .5" flexi-bound; 274 pages on 100 gsm/67# Korean Hi-Q Matte; over 200 original hands-on activities; 264 illustrations; index; $34.95
Availability August 2018
Order from Author Mark Warren

Projectiles: the art of archery, making bows and arrows, blowgun and sling; throwing spear, atlatl, knife, and tomahawk. The Blessed Path of Water: whitewater canoeing, from lake training to river rapids. Over 200 original hands-on activities; 264 illustrations.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018906214

EDU 029000 EDUCATION/teaching methods and material
SPO 009000 SPORTS & RECREATION/camping
NAT 037000 NATURE/ animals/wildlife
SPO 022000 SPORTS & RECREATION/hunting

Photography: by Betty Litsey, Dan McMahill, Bard Wrisley, Brad David, Hugh Norris, Vered Kleinberger, and Susan Warren.
Illustrations by Mark Warren.
Type and Design by Karen Stone







Is This Book for You?

  • If you are a student of Nature on the quest to master the ancient survival skills of the Native Americans, this series of books is your step-by-step guide.
  • If you are a teacher who understands the value of experiential education for your students or scouts or outing club, your lesson plans lie within these covers.
  • If you are a hiker who wants to carry less gear and become more self-reliant by using what the forest has to offer, these pages will lighten your load.
  • If you are an employee at an outdoor venue (private, state or national park; summer camp; Nature center; river, trail, or hunting guide) and you crave more knowledge of your natural surroundings for the sake of teaching clients, your schooling begins here.
  • If you yearn for that intimate relationship that the Native Americans enjoyed with Nature - to transcend from visitor to participant in the forest, that life-
    changing journey begins here.
  • And especially if you are a parent who seeks the practical and spiritual grounding for your child that comes from time spent in the workshop of Nature, these pages are stepping stones on a pathway of adventures that you and your child can walk together. Quality family time, being at home in Nature, learning the most fundamental skills that humans were meant to use on this planet … you'll find that here.

About the Author

Mark Warren was the 1998 U.S. Whitewater Champion in slalom and wildwater combined. In 1999 he won the World Longbow Championship. In addition to the Secrets of the Forest series, he is the author of Two Winters in a Tipi (Lyons Press, 2012), and from Five Star Publishing: Adobe Moon (2017), Born to the Badge (2018), and Promised Land (2019). Mark lives with his wife, Susan, in the mountains of north Georgia.

Author's note
PART 1: The Art of Archery & Other Projectiles
1: Rock and a Soft Place ~ the sling
2: A Pointed Stick ~ the spear
3: The Super-thrust Spear ~ the atlatl
4: A Bent Stick and a String ~ bow-making
5:A Feathered Stick ~ arrow-making
6: Choosing Your Teaching Tools ~ archery equipment
7: Preparing to be an Archer ~ slipping into the mantle of grace
8: Shooting the Bow ~ the first shots
9: The Art of Archery ~ perfecting shooting the bow
10:The Fine Points of Shooting ~ and the second dimension of aiming
11:At Play in the Fields of the Archer ~ games with bow and arrow
12: Slinging Steel ~ knife & tomahawk throwing
13: First Man Makes the Blowgun ~ making the blowgun and dart
PART 2: The Blessed Path of Water
Author's note
14: Headwaters ~ lessons of the creek
15: Walking on Water ~ on the lake
16: Taming the Canoe ~ strokes
17: A Dance on Water ~ moving across the glassy surface with grace
18: Within the Whisper of the River ~ lessons in the sand and in the shallows
19: On the River's Back ~ the never-ending current
20: Discretion ~ keeping the journey safe
21: Now Let There Be Otters ~ advanced maneuvers, at play on the river
22: Reading the River ~ pathfinding on water
Epilogue: Twice in a Lifetime
Suggested Reading
What readers are saying
  • Through Mark Warren's Secrets of the Forest, educators, leaders, stewards, interpreters, and students of nature have access to his spirit, insight, and generosity. These [books] are a "must-have" for anyone wanting to inspire, and to be inspired by, ancient wisdom and knowledge based in a deep reverence for the Earth.
    Joseph A. Pate, PhD Department Chair - Outdoor Leadership
      Professor, Young Harris College
  • Whether in person or book, Mark Warren is a brilliant treasure trove of lost knowledge. Secrets of the Forest is a must-read collection of [his] lifelong quest to part the veil of time and give us a glimpse into ancestral skills and earth lore. Our students love the detailed, hands-on lessons!
    Todd Walker, outdoor educator and author of blog post, Survival
  • Mark Warren is an authentic educator who links his vast knowledge of plants and animals to skills necessary for survival, a combination that creates an active and exciting experience for children and adults. The series has begun to take our school in directions we never imagined possible.
    O.J. Morgan, Head of School at The Bright School,
     Chattanooga, Tennessee

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