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Honoring Our History Anticipating Our Future: 100 Years of History Red Bank Baptist Church in Tennessee
Author Susan Jackson Westbrook in Conjunction with the Centennial History Committee
ISBN 978-1-935186-24-3
Publisher Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc.
Description 8.5"x11" hardcover; 224 pages on archival paper; over 200 photographs. Extensive notes; Appendix of 100 years of leadership; Comprehensive Index; Supplemental genealogical charts of Charter Members and their descendants; $20.00
November 2011
Order from
Red Bank Baptist Church
4000 Dayton Boulevard
Red Bank, TN 37415
Your testimories are my heritage forever; for they are the joy of my heart. - - - - Psalm 119:111
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011918597
Consulting Editor: Barbara Yvonne Mayberry
Photograohy: Elizabeth Feagin Power
Design and type: Karen P. Stone

Because each church member has his own unique memories of church events and personalities, there could never be a definitve history that would emcompass ofl of those memories.

Nevertheles, there are recorded facts for Red bank Baptist Church that are the basis for many of those personal recollections. It is these facts that form the thread of narrative that runs through this history. Added to these facts and proviiding personal details are stories shared with the history committee by current church members.

The chief purpose of Honoring Our History - Anticipating Our Future is to celebrate what God had done in the lives of all those who have been members of Red Bank Baptist Church. Through recouting His blessings given throughout the 100 years, the outcome sought in producing this book is to renew and strengthen the fellowship and unity within this body of believers.

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