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Jackie Mitchell: the girl who loved baseball
Author John M. Kovach
978-1-947589-40-7 Case Binding (hard cover)
978-1-947589-41-4 Perfect Binding (soft cover)
Publisher Waldenhouse Publishers, Inc.
Description 130 pages on LSI Archival White 6" x 9" perfect bound and 6" x 9" case bound with gloss laminate; 23 photographs and illustrations
Availability November 2021
Order from
Author, St. Lawrence County Historical Association, 3 East Main Street,
Canton, New York 13617
Describes the professional baseball career of female pitcher Jackie Mitchell through newspaper accounts, including her 1931 strikeouts of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Includes 16 season statistical charts along with some never seen before images among the 23 photographs and illustrations.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021939967

SPO003030 SPORTS & RECREATION / Baseball / History

SPO003040 SPORTS & RECREATION / Baseball / Statistics


In 1931, 18 year old lefthanded pitcher Virne Beatrice “Jackie” Mitchell signed a professional minor league baseball contract with the Chattanooga Lookouts. She struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in an exhibition game on April 2 of that year.
While previous books about Mitchell center around her appearance against the Yankees, readers will learn a number of new things about Mitchell, both on and off the baseball field.
* Jackie playing for her first organized team, the Engelettes in 1930
* Pitching for or against teams from eight different minor leagues
* Only female pitcher to hold two major league teams scoreless
* irst-ever, year-by-year record of Jackie’s pitching career
* Challenge to Babe Didrikson to pitch against Jackie

. About the Author: John Kovach, a history professional, has served as an archivist, curator, education director and executive director of two museums. He curated a major traveling museum exhibition titled Linedrives and Lipstick: The Story of Girls and Women In Baseball. Kovach has been a recipient of numerous awards including the Eastern Women’s Baseball Conference’s prestigious #10 Award. He is the National Women’s Baseball Hall of Fames’ only three-time Manager of the Year selection.
Kovach has been coaching baseball for over 45 years, leading teams on the youth through collegiate to elite level. All three of his daughters played baseball for him. He and his wife, Lisa, live in Canton, New York.
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